Welcome Circle Dance Ireland is based in Quarryfield House, in South Co. Sligo. We hold regular Circle Dance and Dancing Mindfulness events. No partner or dance experience is needed.
Please check out our Dance Datesfor Circle Dance and Dancing Mindfulness. Numbers are limited, booking your place is essential. For regular updates, join us on our WhatsApp groups, Circle Dance Ireland or Dancing Mindfulness Contact Derrie 087 2752192
Circle Dance A warm welcome awaits your dancing heart at Circle Dance Ireland. Sunday 26th January, Sunday 9th February, Sunday 23rd February 10.30am to 1.30pm. €30. There will be a break for tea and bickies. New dancers are always welcome and no partner or experience is needed. Please book your place by private message 087 275 2192 Please bring your bottle of water. We are based in Bunnanaddan. South Co Sligo.
Celebrate the blessings of Imbolc and Brigid. Our first Dancing Mindfulness practice of this year will be on Saturday 8th February 10.30am to 1pm €30. I'm offering, a morning of dance, cross making and ceremony to celebrate the blessings of Imbolc and Brigid. This is facilitated mindful free movement/dance to music, bringing awareness to breath, body, emotions and feelings, using dance/movement to give expression to what is happening within us. I offer this space with gentleness, compassion and the mindfulness attitudes of acceptance, patience, trust, nonjudgement and letting go. Please book your place by private message. Derrie 087 275 2192. Numbers are limited. A reminder to bring a bottle of water and cosy blankets/yoga mat for gentle resting time. Early booking is recommended.
Our Circle Dance on Sunday 9th Febuary is another chance to celebrate the blessings of Imbolc and Brigid. 10.30am to 1.30pm €30. We will take time to make Brigid crosses at our tea break. We learn simple dance steps together and dance to beautiful music from all over the world. Circle dances can be a gentle moving, mindful meditation or they can be lighthearted and energetic. Please book your place by private message. Derrie 087 275 2192. Numbers are limited. A reminder to bring a bottle of water. Early booking is recommended.
"The movement of the dance is like the flow of love, when I give, I receive a hundred fold." J
Derrie offers circle dances [learning simple steps] from all over the World and for many years has choreographed her own dances to beautiful and inspirational music. Derrie also offers the practice of Dancing Mindfulness [free dance]. Derrie uses mindfulness in both free dance and circle dance, as a way of honoring and expressing our connection to ourselves, others and the natural world. Derrie McGahon is a counsellor, circle dance teacher/facilitator and dancing mindfulness facilitator, running regular dance/movement groups. Individual counselling sessions and dancing mindfulness sessions are available. Derrie has experienced dance as powerful healing in her own personal life and believes that dancing supports our overall well being.
"Derrie is a kind, warm hearted, wise and playful facilitator, who creates a welcoming and reassuring space for dancing, connection and healing." L